How much does Invisalign cost? | Does insurance cover Invisalign

Invisalign is an effective and popular orthodontic treatment that helps in straightening teeth. In Invisalign treatment, clear plastic aligners are used that help to gradually shift teeth into the desired position. These aligners are custom-made according to each patient and are invisible when worn, hence, they are the preferred choice for many individuals who are looking for orthodontic correction. However, the cost of Invisalign can be a cause of concern for many individuals. In this article, we will be covering Invisalign insurance and whether or not there are insurance plans that cover Invisalign treatment or not. Also, we will be discussing the cost of Invisalign treatment and how insurance will help to cover the cost of Invisalign treatment.


Invisalign treatment can be covered by insurance or not. It depends on the health insurance plan you have chosen. Most basic health insurance plans will not cover Invisalign treatment, but premium plans can cover, at least partially. Depending on the insurance plan you have taken, your insurance may cover all or some costs of treatment.


To understand more about Invisalign coverage plans, it’s essential to know about the different types of insurance plans that may provide coverage:

1. Dental Insurance – Dental insurance plans typically cover dental procedures, including orthodontics like Invisalign. However, the extent of coverage can vary widely among plans. Many dental insurance plans cover a percentage of orthodontic treatment costs, often ranging from 50% to 80%, with an annual or lifetime maximum benefit.

2. Health Insurance – Some health insurance plans may cover some or all of the orthodontic treatment cost if it is deemed medically necessary. However, Invisalign is often considered a cosmetic procedure, making it less likely to be covered under health insurance.

3. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)– If your insurance plan does not cover your Invisalign treatment cost, options are still available for you. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) allow individuals to set aside pre-tax funds for medical and dental expenses. Invisalign treatment costs are generally eligible for reimbursement through these accounts. Thus, HSA and FSA is also an option to pay for any part of your orthodontic treatment that cannot be covered by dental insurance or health insurance.

4. Medicaid – Medicaid may cover orthodontic treatment depending on the state, but the criteria for eligibility and the extent of coverage can vary widely. Since Invisalign treatment can also be termed cosmetic treatment, Medicaid might not consider it for coverage. Medicaid coverage for Orthodontic treatment is typically provided on a case-by-case basis.


Several factors influence whether your insurance will be covering Invisalign treatment or not. Here are some of the factors that are crucial while considering orthodontic treatment options:

1. Insurance Provider – The insurance company you are with and the insurance plan you have taken plays a significant role in determining coverage. Some insurance providers may offer more comprehensive coverage for orthodontic treatments like Invisalign, while others may provide limited or no coverage at all.

2. Plan Type – Different insurance plans within the same provider may offer varying degrees of coverage. Employer-sponsored plans, individual plans, and government-funded plans like Medicaid may have different policies regarding orthodontic coverage. Likely, a basic insurance plan will not cover Invisalign treatment, but a premium plan with the same insurance provider can offer coverage to some extent.

3. Orthodontic Coverage – Some dental insurance plans include orthodontic coverage as part of their benefits, while others may consider it an optional add-on. Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign treatment the same way they cover braces, while another insurance plan may pay for a certain percentage of your Invisalign treatment. Orthodontic coverage can significantly impact the extent of Invisalign coverage.

4. Age Limitations – Many insurance plans limit orthodontic coverage to children and adolescents. Their dental insurance plans cover a certain percentage or whole of the cost for orthodontic treatment of children under 18 years old. On the other hand, some dental insurance plans do not cover Invisalign treatment for adults. Adults may find it more challenging to secure coverage for Invisalign treatment.

5. Severity of Dental Issues – Insurance coverage often depends on the severity of the dental issues being addressed. Some insurance companies will only cover Invisalign if it is a medical emergency. For an insurance company to cover Invisalign treatment, you will need to have a severe misalignment case that is causing pain or some other serious trouble. Thus, in some cases, insurers may cover Invisalign for more severe cases of misalignment or bite issues but not for cosmetic adjustments.


The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary widely depending on several factors, including your location, the complexity of your orthodontic issues, and whether you have dental insurance coverage or not.

Without Insurance – Without dental insurance, Invisalign treatment costs can be relatively high. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 for simple procedures to $8,000 or more for a full Invisalign treatment or a more complex treatment plan. The exact cost will depend on the length of your treatment plan and the severity of your dental issues. Some orthodontic practices may offer payment plans or financing options to make the cost more manageable over time.

With Insurance – If you have dental insurance that includes orthodontic coverage, you may be eligible for partial reimbursement of your Invisalign treatment expenses. However, the extent of coverage can vary significantly between insurance plans. Typically, insurance plans cover a percentage of orthodontic treatment costs, often ranging from 50% to 80%, with an annual or lifetime maximum benefit. It is essential to review your insurance policy carefully to understand the scope of your coverage and get maximum benefit from it.


Invisalign treatment can be a life-changing experience, improving your smile and overall oral health. However, understanding insurance coverage for Invisalign is crucial to managing the costs effectively. Remember that coverage can vary significantly based on your insurance provider, plan type, and the specific circumstances of your orthodontic needs. Thus, Invisalign treatment can provide a life-changing transformation that lasts for years to come, enhancing both your dental health and your overall well-being. Exploring your insurance coverage options and taking a good dental insurance plan can help you make a more informed decision about your orthodontic care.


Can I claim insurance for Invisalign?

Whether you can claim insurance for Invisalign depends on your dental insurance policy or any other health insurance plan you have taken. Some insurance plans offer partial coverage for Invisalign treatment, while others may cover it fully. Check with your insurance provider for specific details on coverage eligibility and procedures for orthodontic treatment.

Is Invisalign covered by insurance in India?

In India, dental insurance coverage for Invisalign or orthodontic treatment varies by insurer and policy. Some insurance plans may offer limited coverage, while others may not cover it at all. It’s essential to check your specific insurance policy’s terms, conditions, and coverage details to determine if Invisalign treatment is included.

Are aligners covered by insurance in India?

In India, dental insurance coverage for aligners (such as Invisalign) varies by insurer and policy. Some dental insurance plans may provide partial coverage for aligners, while others may not cover them at all. The extent of coverage and eligibility criteria depend on the specific insurance policy you have.

Is Invisalign faster than braces?

Invisalign and traditional braces have different treatment time durations depending on individual cases. In some situations, Invisalign may be faster because it uses computer-generated aligners to gradually move teeth. However, the speed of treatment also depends on the complexity of the orthodontic issues the patient has.

Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?

The cost of Invisalign and traditional braces varies depending on factors like treatment complexity and location. Invisalign treatment can be more expensive due to its technology and convenience. Traditional braces will be more cost-effective in comparison to Invisalign treatment.

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